Application Documents

Application Documents
What to submit at CUHK Online Application System
(Document with an asterisk (*) has to be submitted in hardcopies too)
- *i. An official transcript (with a complete record of courses attended and examination results) and an official grading scheme, in a sealed envelope with an official university stamp sent directly from the issuing university’s academic office to our office; a Transcript Submission Covering Sheet downloaded from the CUHK Online Application System should be attached with your official transcript and the grading scheme; or
ii. Scanned copies of the latest official academic transcripts with an official chop from the Registry or Office responsible for handling student records, with explanatory notes printed/attached to the transcript indicating the grading scheme of the University, are accepted for issuing the admission offers; and/or
iii. (For applicants who obtained degrees from universities in mainland China) A copy of the Online Verification Report of Qualification Certificate (教育部學歷證書電子註冊備案表) (in Chinese) issued by the CHESICC (學信網)(Sample).
iv. (For applicants who obtained degrees from universities in mainland China) A copy of the Online Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate (中國高等教育學位線上驗證報告) (in Chinese) issued by the CHESICC (學信網)(Sample).
- Copies of certificates of academic/professional qualifications may include university certificates of graduation, examination certificates and proof of other qualifications;
- *i. An official and valid score report of IELTS (Academic), TOEFL or GMAT (Verbal) sent directly from the test organisation concerned to our office; or
ii. A copy of the graduation certificate issued by a university in Hong Kong; or
iii. A certifying letter issued by the university’s academic office confirming the medium of instruction of your degree programme was English; or
iv. Certification of Results of the English Language subject in Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (AS Level), or Hong Kong Higher Level Examination, or Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination provided by Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority; or
*v. A certified true copy of Statement of Results/report of the English Language subject in General Certificate of Education (GCE) A-level or AS-level/CUHK Matriculation Examination; or
*vi. A certified true copy of the certificate of a recognised professional qualification for which the examination was conducted in English.
- *An official GMAT, GMAT Online Exam, GMAT Focus Edition, GRE or GRE Test at Home test report directly sent from the organisation concerned to our office.
- 3 Reference letters (Referees can submit confidential recommendation forms via the Online Application System for Postgraduate Programmes (preferred) or in a sealed envelope with the referee’s signature.)
- A copy of passport/HKID card or other identity documents as filled in the application form.
- A copy of your latest CV
- A personal statement/statement of purpose to state (i) your reasons for pursuing either MPhil or PhD degree programme and (ii) your career goals and aspirations.
- A research proposal/plan to demonstrate your research interests/topics.
- A copy of your previous written work(s) (i.e., thesis, research project/report or publication) to demonstrate your research capabilities and achievements.
- Copies of awards and qualifications, if applicable.
For documents to be submitted in hardcopy
- Please write down your applied programme name and your 8-digit application number (in pencil) at the top right corner of your submitted documents, e.g. “PhD in Business Administration, 20010901”.
- All the hardcopies should reach the following office on or before the said application deadline.
- Address
Office of Research and MPhil-PhD Programmes
1503, 15/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building,
12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong
- Address
- Official test reports which require the organizations’ institution codes are listed below:
- ETS (GRE, GRE Test at Home): 7488
- GMAC (GMAT, GMAT Online Exam, GMAT Focus Edition)/GMAT(Verbal): R9H-0W-04
- TOEFL: B022
- To avoid any postal/courier service delays, applicants should mail their application documents as early as possible.
- If you wish to know whether the application documents have been delivered to our office, please send an email to with your (i) application number, (ii) ID/passport number, (iii) date of birth, and (iv) the types of application document(s) concerned.