Yu, Chong
PhD student, Year 5
Department of Marketing
Research Interest
Social Influence
Judgment and Decision Making
Influencer Marketing
- Publications & Working Papers
- Luxi Shen, Chong Yu, and Andrew Meyer, “Consumption Portfolio Management”
- Chong Yu and Leilei Gao, “Self-Focus versus Other Focus”
- Conference Presentations
- Luxi Shen, Chong Yu*, and Andrew Meyer, “Consumption Portfolio Management,” Association for Consumer Research, Competitive Paper, Seattle, WA, October 2023.
- Luxi Shen, Chong Yu, and Andrew Meyer*, “Consumption Portfolio Management,” Subjective Probability Utility and Decision Making, Extended Presentation, Vienna, Austria, August 2023.
- Luxi Shen*, Chong Yu, and Andrew Meyer, “Consumption Portfolio Management,” European Association for Consumer Research, Competitive Paper, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2023.
- Chong Yu* and Leilei Gao, “How Self-Revelation Affects Persuasion in Social Media Communications,” European Association for Consumer Research, Poster, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2023.
- Luxi Shen* and Chong Yu, “Consumption Portfolio Management,” Association for Psychological Science, Presentation, Chicago, IL, May 2022.
- Luxi Shen and Chong Yu*, “Consumption Portfolio Management,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Poster (virtual), December 2020.
- Chong Yu* and Oleg Urminsky, “How Do Incidental Emotions Affect Intertemporal Choices, Using Both Measurement and Manipulation Methods,” Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Poster, Portland, OR, February 2019.
- Chong Yu* and Oleg Urminsky, “State Emotions and Time Discounting,” Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Poster, New Orleans, LA, November 2018.
- Awards & Honours
- Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme, Hong Kong RGC, 2019-2023
- Graduate Fellowship, Division of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2017
- Outstanding Undergraduate Students Scholarship, China Scholarship Council, 2015
- Teaching Experience
- MKTG5011W – Marketing Management (MBA), 2022-2023 Term 2